July 11, 2023

"If you’re not gonna fuck me why are you wasting my time?"

Oh yeah? I’m wasting your time?


am Wasting




How does that even make sense? Firstly, my time would clearly be wasted on you since you obviously assume this experience is centered around your pleasure. So why would I give up my sweat, my body, my hands, my knowledge, my love for someone who’s going to take it, run away with it and come (back) panting and out of breath after 2 minutes?

And seriously, who taught you that this was your world? Who taught you you could do whatever you wanted with it, that women were there to please you, fuck you, blow you, love you? I guess I know the answer to that. Your dad taught you, your brothers and your bros alike taught you, society taught you, maybe even your mom taught you. Through no fault of their own, we’ll say. Right? Cause it’s society’s fault, right? It’s the patriarchy, right?



Fuck that.

You need to know better. It’s 2023. You’re a 20-something with a university degree and plenty of time and money on your hands. You’re privileged enough that what anxiously runs through your brain is whether you’ll have to jerk off or can come in someone’s pussy tonight. Not whether you’ll pay rent next month, or be catcalled on the street, or be taken seriously in tomorrow’s meeting. What a fucking video game life must be for you. Entertainment being your only worry. I mean, that and the weight of feminazis busting your balls right? Why are these females impeding on your joy? You’re happy, you’re chillin, you’re enjoying life, what’s wrong with that? Why do we need to come at you for it?

Know better for fucks sake.

Do better.

This video game may have been designed for your own enjoyment but the NPCs are rising. We’re sentient now. Rather, we’ve always been, but someone has finally rewritten a few lines of codes and given us a joy con. And we’re coming for you.

And trust me, unless you join us, you won’t fucking win.

maybe i can help :)

I am no life expert. In fact life throws me a lot of lemons. But I'm pretty good at making lemonade, being resilient and (I've been told) giving advice. So, if you need an outsider's perspective, I'm here! On love & relationships, on family issues, on work, on anything really. I'll give you my take and maybe (hopefully) it'll help. 100% anonymous of course.

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