May 13, 2023

Questions for when you don't know what to say

Is there a lull? Are you scared someone is about to pick up their phone, declaring silently your incompetence for being adequate company? I often am, like it’s my responsibility to maintain the conversation, like im constantly passing some kind of test. So I thought I’d give you some of the answers.

  1. What’s one thing you’ve recently changed your opinion on?
  2. When was the last time you cried?
  3. What would you do if time stopped for everyone but you for a day?
  4. What’s one thing you can say with 90% certainty you’ll never do in your life?
  5. What’s one thing you have never done and can say with 90% certainty you will do one day?
  6. What’s something that surprised you this week?
  7. What animal would you want to be reincarnated as?
  8. What would be your escape route from here if ninjas stormed through the door right now?
  9. What’s the last dream you can remember?
  10. What was your favorite book as a teenager and do you still think it’s good?
  11. What’s the biggest risk (physical, mental, …) you’d say you’ve taken so far? Would you do it again?

maybe i can help :)

I am no life expert. In fact life throws me a lot of lemons. But I'm pretty good at making lemonade, being resilient and (I've been told) giving advice. So, if you need an outsider's perspective, I'm here! On love & relationships, on family issues, on work, on anything really. I'll give you my take and maybe (hopefully) it'll help. 100% anonymous of course.

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